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I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

SuNdAy InSpIrAtIoN

so i'm a horrible blogger lately, i guess i'm just a little overwhelmed by getting ready for our trip to washington and utah next month and leaving our puppy for more than 2 weeks. but today at church i was made aware of a scripture i had never noticed before. our lesson in relief society was on elder oaks talk in april's conference on desire. the scripture is:

doctrine and covenants 88:83
ok if you don't want to look it up then i'll share it with you:
"he that seeketh me early shall find me, and shall not be forsaken"
the savior wants us to seek him early in life, early in the morning and early in trials. don't wait until your in the middle of a crisis. don't wait until you are ready to break. don't wait until you are old and on your death bed. just don't wait. call on him before you need him and he'll be there all along your way. have him as your companion as early as you start to learn of him. and don't let him go.

through out life we can forget to seek him and lean on "his ample arm". i forget so often that i don't have to do this on my own. i always have him to be there and support us in the journey.

i just wanted to share some of the insight i received today.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great scripture... Thanks for sharing that, I love reading the scriptures but often I do not take full advantage of what we can receive from reading the scriptures.
