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I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

HaPpY mOtHeR's DaY!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms in my life. Got to talk to my mom and James' mom today. Also because it is Mother's Day we got to talk to Charlie. Elder Gates is serving in Iowa with 3 months left to go! It was really good to get to Skype with him. I can't believe that they allow Skype-ing on his mission but I'm not complaining. The nice part is that it is free and its easy to use and you do get to see your family and families get to see their missionary. Charlie is doing great. He is a hard working happy missionary with a couple baptisms coming up in the next couple weeks. As an interesting side note, Charlie's companion, Elder Unsicker is the cousin of our friend Megan Burke who was one of my mission companions and is responsible for introducing James and I. The world is one small place. For all of us who miss Charlie it was so good to see him. He is a great little brother and I feel very blessed that he was placed with our family 21 years ago. He definitely completed our little family and has been one of my very best friends. I'm very proud of the man he is becoming and if you want to see how amazing he is go here. Ok later gaters


  1. Yay! That is so cool they skype, I didn't know that. My dad was released from the presidency a few months ago... he's sad he doesn't work with the missionaries anymore but he got to serve in that position longer than usual.

    Are you guys going to pick him up? When would you be there?? I'm trying to figure out when I'm going to make it home this summer and it would be totally awesome to run into ya'll ;)

  2. That is so cool that Charlie gets to Skype you guys for his phone calls! I'm glad you got to talk to him!! :D Although I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little jealous...hahaha just kidding :) I'll see him soon enough!
    That is a really neat connection with Charlie's companion too!! So cool!
    You and James are going to Washington when he comes home, right??

  3. Megan, we are not going to be picking him up we are going to be at the airport when he gets home. He didn't want anyone picking him up. I can't wait to see him though. Its going to be so much fun to hang out for a about a week. We are hoping to be in Utah around the 17th or 18th for a few days.

    Rachel, you can be a little jealous, I'm sure he would have loved to see you. We are going to be there when he comes and I hear that you will be too. It'll be a lot of fun to all hang out. When exactly are you going to be there?
