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I'm a Mormon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SuNdAy InSpIrAtIoN

i'm hoping to make this a weekly feature.  i find that as i look for things as a goal i'm more likely to be aware of the wondrous inspiration that comes from our Heavenly Father.  this week i was teaching about the gathering of the lost tribes of israel.  but we got a little distracted by the story of jacob and esau.  its an interesting story of following the will of the Lord even when it is hard.  one class member was having a hard time reconciling how jacob could use deception to fulfill the will of the Lord and claim the birthright.  and after lots of discussion another class member said something very interesting...he said "sometimes the Lord doesn't always give us the route to get from point A to point B.  sometimes He just gives us point A and point B and tells us to figure it out."  although this is not permission to do whatever you want there is much truth.  i find myself getting caught up in how i SHOULD do something and worrying if i'll do it right or if my choice will negatively effect the outcome.  but in reality we usually don't have a step by step map to get from point A to point B.  we have a map with point A and point B marked on it but no line connecting them.  its up to us to figure it out.  the Lord gave us agency and working through problems using our agency is how we grow and develop.  the point is we do our best and we work to get from A to B trusting that the Lord will help as He sees fit.  So thank you sunday school class for teaching me something i forget all to often.

WeLcOmE 2012!

well friends we are happy to welcome in the new year.  as a wrap up to the last couple of months i'll let you know that we had a nice relaxing holiday season here with each other.  we missed our families but we enjoyed just being us.  we are still enjoying our kindle fires and we had a few lovely gifts for each other as well.  as the new year has begun Mr. Wonderful is starting a new exciting job in IT.  we feel very blessed for him to have this opportunity.  all in all things are looking to an exciting 2012 for us here. 

as the new year begins i like to set up goals for myself.  resolutions if you will.  i feel like sometimes my resolutions are too big or too out of my reach.  so this year in an attempt to do what will really help me and bring peace and happiness to our lives i decided on a goal to "take care of myself".  i don't want to sound selfish, i'm no leaving Mr. Wonderful out this.  my plan is for this to help him as well.  first off, if i'm making healthier choices for myself he will be eating healthier as well.  also a  happy wife = a happy life, right?  i think so.  this last year has been stressful and challenging.  it has taught us much but one thing that has suffered in all of this is even a small amount of taking care of me.  i find the simple things like plucking my eyebrows have seemed to go by the wayside.  i have felt "blah"  about a lot of things and its time to get out of that feeling.  lately i've started working on my favorite hobbies like making cupcakes and crocheting and sewing.  these have brought me a lot of enjoyment recently.   i feel like i am starting to find myself again.  

as part of this new year's resolution i have really been considering a new job that will help me find more fulfillment in my work.  i started thinking about what i really don't like about what i do now and i realized that although we do great work and help a lot of people i miss interacting with patients and seeing the results of my work.  from there i narrowed my search for something new to things that would work best with our family and our plans and goals for the future.  so when the right thing is all worked out i'll let you all know.  

part of taking care of myself also involves overcoming my crippling lack of organization.  so step by step i'll be reorganizing this apartment.  i plan on learning a lot and hope to be able to make our lives simpler for it.  i'll post as each project is finished.  

so welcome 2012.  you promise to be the best year yet!