they came this week! merry Christmas to us. mom and dad got us the kindle fire for our presents this year. in one word they are amazing! affordable at $200 a piece and so much fun! we are very thankful for them and should get them for free with all of promotion we have been doing in the last 2 days. between the 2 of us we have probably convinced at least 8 people that they must get one. so i'll put it on here for all 3 of you who read this, you need one. if you have been thinking that a tablet pc would be fun (and you would be right) this is a fantastic option. the price is unbeatable. the quality is amazing. i was doing the dishes with pandora playing on it and the speaker quality and volume was perfect to rock out during my chores. size is ideal. it fits in my scrub pockets at work. it easily fits in any of my purses. its easy to hold. it is almost exactly 3 of my iphones. i'm really enjoying the size. the only downside i can see so far is that if you love to sit outside and read and that is a main reason for having an e-reader than just get one of the many kindle options and you'll be very happy. this does not have e-ink that has no glare in sunlight. but if you are trying to read at night and have a spouse that is trying to sleep this allows you to do so without a light. and if you play with the settings you can find ways to make it easier to read in brighter light. all in all kindle fire is perfect for me. james is loving it as well. of course he is testing it to see its limits way more than i am but what can i do. anyway back to reading....i've finally started the hunger games books and i can't put them down!!!!